Saturday, February 21, 2015

Skew Angle and Effective Aperture of an Airborne Antenna

Skew angle is a difficult concept to grasp, but the effect can be profound.

Low-profile antennas installed on the top of an airplane fuselage introduce special challenges.

Second generation antennas just entering the market sit flat, creating a change in gain and beamwidth as a function of the relative elevation of the target satellite.

Skew angle rotates the beam-pattern as shown above for various antenna types, at both zero and 90 degree skew.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Amazon Prime Air: If you can't beat them?

photo credit: Amazon
How can a UAV safely delivery packages?
Are the FAA UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) (or drone) rules taking too long and are they too restrictive?

It is not possible for an operator (remotely) to overcome all the risks of a UAV when overflying a community...

...since the failure we are concerned with most is loss of control.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ka-band Airborne Antenna Figure of Merit (G/T)

Estimated Receive Performance
Circular and Square 24"x24" ESA
30"x6" rectangular horn array

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Data Link Available

Ken Simmons, Ed Porisch, Peter Lemme,
Mary Nakasone (Sato), Dave Allen
QANTAS 747-400 FANS Certification Flight Test
June 19, 1995

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ku-band Airborne Antenna Figure of Merit (G/T)

Estimated Receive Performance
Circular and Square 30"x30" ESA
34"x7" rectangular horn array

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